Sense from Seattle

Common sense thoughts on life and current affairs by a Seattle area sexagenarian, drawing on personal experience, years of learning as a counselor to thousands of families and an innate passion for informed knowledge, to uniquely express sensible, thoughtful, honest and independent views.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Homophobic Factor

Exit polling supposedly shows the biggest surprise of the election to be the naming of moral values as a top motivator. Moral values is what the Republicans would call "code" for homophobia. The only ballot issues that could clearly be labelled as morally based were the 11 State issue banning gay marriage, all of which passed.

Many people who did not want to discuss or admit their homophobia had no problem at all in the secrecy of the voting booth casting a ballot based on it.

The most telling answer Bush gave in the debates was the only one where he claimed he did not know the answer - that is, whether God lets people be born as homosexuals. Bush, who is so certain about everything else and has a summa cum laude from the Community Bible Study, conveniently is still searching in his heart for that answer. He did know though that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

George, have you figured out whether it is OK for them to love each other, as long as they don't have sex? If it is OK, then what is wrong with them confirming and commiting to their love by a marriage ceremony? Would allowing that make heterosexual couples stop getting married? Of course that is only half a problem, since half of heterosexual couples get divorced anyway. If marriage is not really for commitment purposes, then maybe it is only for making sex morally permissible. Ah, now I am beginning to see the light - if gays can marry, then they can morally have sex. By the way, in your campaign against Ann Richards, who did put on churchgoers' windshields those pictures of two men kissing?


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